Saturday, October 3, 2015


Football is a team sport. There is eleven members of each team on the field at each time. There is always an offense and a defense on the field at each time as well. The main figure of the team is called the quarterback. A football field is 100 yards long and 50 yards wide. The end of the field is called the end-zone. This is where you can score a touchdown for your team. Football can be recognized as a dangerous sport because there is heavy contact when tackling or blocking other players. 

offense- the chance to score points in sports. 
defense- the part of sports in which the players try and stop an offense from scoring. 
yards- a unit of measure. 3 feet = 1 yard. 
recognized- to identify something.
dangerous- not safe. 


1. Find 5 nouns in this paragraph. 

2. Find 5 verbs in this paragraph 

3. Write 3 sentences about your favorite sport. 

 *Remember a noun is a person, place, thing or idea. A verb is an action word.


  1. Good entry explaining football! This is an important topic for ELLs, who may have no experience with the sport at all.

    Remember to put the vocabulary words in bold or underline them, so they are easier for learners to see.

  2. I think it is great to explain one of our nation's sport. A lot of people that hear the word football thinks of soccer, especially students that come from Spanish-speaking countries.

  3. Since football is such a popular sport here, and shares the same name as soccer in other countries, I think this was a good topic to write a blog entry about.

  4. Football is widely known in the United States. This can definitely be a helpful topic for ESL students to learn about!
