Monday, November 16, 2015

Utilizing Relational Verbs

My sister is the girl with the brown hair. She plays the princess in the play. My brother is the tall boy on the left of the stage. He plays the villain in the same play. The main character is the short boy in the blue. He is my brother's friend. He seems to be the best actor in the show. The show appears to be well rehearsed. Everyone is doing a great job!

  • An attributive verb shows a relationship between a participant and a description. 
  • An identifying verb provides identity or identifies the form of meaning of a word. 

Identify the relational verbs in this paragraph. Label them with an A for attribute and with an eye for identifying with an I. 


villain- the enemy to the main character. A bad person.
appear- to seem, to look.
rehearsed- practiced.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The New York Rangers

The New York Rangers are a hockey team that play for the state, New York. The colors of the team are red, white, and blue. The Rangers started to play hockey in 1926. Hockey is a sport that is played on an ice rink. They players use skates to maneuver on the ice, and try to shoot the puck into the goal.  There are three periods throughout the game. The Rangers play at Madison Square Garden. Madison Square Garden is in New York City. Madison Square Garden hosts sports games, concerts, and other events. The New York Rangers are my favorite team!

Reading Comprehension:

Madison Square Garden is in _________________.

The Rangers started to play in __________.
The colors of the Rangers are ______, ________, and _______.


maneuver- move on or move through.
puck- round rubber object usually used in hockey. This sports version of a ball.
periods- sections of a game.
hosts- holds guests.

Proper Nouns:

Proper nouns are like a noun, a person, place, or thing. They will however name a specific item and be capitalized no matter what.


  • McDonald's
  • New Jersey
  • China
Find the proper nouns in the paragraph above and go Rangers!

Check out a video of the Rangers! 


Penguins are known as the birds that cannot fly. There are many species of penguins. Penguins are traditionally found in cold weather, like the continent of Antarctica. They do not only live here, but in South America, South Africa, and New Zealand as well. However, no penguins live in the North Pole. Penguins waddle when they walk. Penguins spend have their time on land and the other half in the water. They are able to swim at 20 miles per hour. A baby penguin is called a chick. Penguins are not mean animals, they are very friendly! 

Reading Comprehension: 

A baby penguin is called a ______.
Penguins are able to swim at _______ miles per hour.
No penguins live in the ________.
Can penguins fly?


species- groups of living organisms.
traditionally- usually this happens.
continent- an area of the world. There are 7. They are Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

Grammar Review: Contractions!

Contractions are a combination of two words and the missing letters are replaced with an apostrophe. Not all words can do this, but here are some examples:

do not = don't
cannot = can't
they are = they're
they will= they'll
we are = we're 

Can you find the words that can turn into contractions in this paragraph. Write these words as a contraction as well.  

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Capitalization Exercise

Halloween is celebrated on october 31st. halloween is a holiday. In the united States, this holiday has many unique traditions. On Halloween, people dress up in costumes. Some of these costumes Are scary while some are completely random. Halloween is normally associated with pumpkins, ghosts, witches, and Candy Corn. Kids usually go from door to door saying "trick-or-treat" in which they hope the house owner gives them a treat. This treat is normally some candy. halloween is a fun day for all! 

EXERCISE: There are many capitalization errors in this paragraph about Halloween. Capitalize words that should be capitalized and uncapitalize any words that should not. 

unique- original, different
traditions- the handing down of customs, beliefs, language etc. 
associated- connect to something else 
random- no order or similarities

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Order of Adjectives

    Type           Example

1. Article:           A
2. Size:             Large
3. Shape:         Oblong
4. Color:            Blue
5. Origin:        English
6. Material:    Porcelain
7. Use:             Serving
8. Noun:            Dish 

Put these words in a sentence using the order of adjectives rules!








oblong- longer on some sides of the shape than other sides. 
origin- where something was first started or made.
noun- person, place, thing, or idea.
material- what something is made of. 
porcelain- a material, can be dishes or bowls. 
expensive- costs a lot of money. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Football is a team sport. There is eleven members of each team on the field at each time. There is always an offense and a defense on the field at each time as well. The main figure of the team is called the quarterback. A football field is 100 yards long and 50 yards wide. The end of the field is called the end-zone. This is where you can score a touchdown for your team. Football can be recognized as a dangerous sport because there is heavy contact when tackling or blocking other players. 

offense- the chance to score points in sports. 
defense- the part of sports in which the players try and stop an offense from scoring. 
yards- a unit of measure. 3 feet = 1 yard. 
recognized- to identify something.
dangerous- not safe. 


1. Find 5 nouns in this paragraph. 

2. Find 5 verbs in this paragraph 

3. Write 3 sentences about your favorite sport. 

 *Remember a noun is a person, place, thing or idea. A verb is an action word.

Monday, September 14, 2015

A Little Bit About Myself

I am an aspiring teacher, and one day hope to teach in New York as a Social Studies or ESL teacher. I am in the process of obtaining my Master's Degree in Education with a dual-certification in Social Studies and TESOL. I received my Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from Adelphi University. I also attended Carle Place High School and graduated in 2011. As a Long Island native, I hope to teach in either a Long Island public school or for the NYC Department of Education. I enjoy sports and history as well, so this blog may have many exercises pertaining to the two! 

Key Vocabulary:

Aspiring- to want or achieve something.
Obtaining- to gain. 
Dual- two
Native- born in a certain place. 
Pertaining- to relate to someone or something. 

Grammar Point: Verb Tenses

Throughout this paragraph, I used quite a few different verb tenses. The verb tense I used for each sentence depends on whether or not the event happened already, or is in the process of happening.


Read through my "bio" paragraph and identify the verbs I used in my paragraph. After you identify the verbs, try and label the tense the verb has been written in. The list of possible verb tenses is available below. 


Identify- to know and say who someone is or what something is 
Available- possible to get or use. 

*Remember a verb is an action word. 
*Look at the ending of the verbs. (-ed, -ing). This will help you figure out which tense is which. 


Welcome to our class blog! 
This blog will be used to practice grammar skills in an interactive manner. 