Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Penguins are known as the birds that cannot fly. There are many species of penguins. Penguins are traditionally found in cold weather, like the continent of Antarctica. They do not only live here, but in South America, South Africa, and New Zealand as well. However, no penguins live in the North Pole. Penguins waddle when they walk. Penguins spend have their time on land and the other half in the water. They are able to swim at 20 miles per hour. A baby penguin is called a chick. Penguins are not mean animals, they are very friendly! 

Reading Comprehension: 

A baby penguin is called a ______.
Penguins are able to swim at _______ miles per hour.
No penguins live in the ________.
Can penguins fly?


species- groups of living organisms.
traditionally- usually this happens.
continent- an area of the world. There are 7. They are Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

Grammar Review: Contractions!

Contractions are a combination of two words and the missing letters are replaced with an apostrophe. Not all words can do this, but here are some examples:

do not = don't
cannot = can't
they are = they're
they will= they'll
we are = we're 

Can you find the words that can turn into contractions in this paragraph. Write these words as a contraction as well.  


  1. Cute entry on penguins! Kids and adults are just fascinated by them.

    Include the word waddle in your vocabulary. Did you know that it is the waddle that keeps them from slipping and that if people walked like that on the ice, they would not slip?

  2. This is a great informative article on penguins. I used to be scared of penguins when I was younger, but they are now one of my favorite animals!
